"Ragtime Cowboy Joe" is known in our neck of the woods, as the University of Wyoming fight song. But, the original tune has a much deeper history. The lyrics were written over one hundred years ago, in 1912 by Grand Clarke and the original composition was done by Lewis F. Muir and Maurice Abrahams.

The song gained popularity after appearing in the cartoon 'Alvin and the Chipmunks' in 1959. It was later performed in front of a national audience by Dean Martin, and served as the theme song for radio program 'Cowboy Joe's Radio Ranch.' 

The version performed by Wyoming marching band 'Western Thunder,' was written by Francis Edwin Stroup in 1961. He also rewrote the lyric "Song of a gun from Arizona," to "Son of a gun from 'ol Wyoming."

Here's some of our favorite versions of the song throughout history.


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