When we think of a Super Bowl party, we think of buffalo wings, chips and dip and even an occasional veggie tray. But there are some foods that we should not bring on Sunday.

Here are 5 dishes that I am suggesting you do not lay out as you host Sunday's Super Bowl party, nor should you partake in them should someone decide to bring it.

  1. Balut - This dish is prepared by boiling a fertilized, live bird embryo. As you crack open the egg, you can see the body of the little guy as you pop him in your mouth. I'll go with deviled eggs, thank you.
  2. Surstromming - This consists of a fermented Baltic herring in a can. Japan recently came out and stated that this dish lets out the most putrid odor of any other foods. I'd rather eat sardines and mustard.
  3. Casu Marzu - One would think that goat milk cheese is no big deal. And I would agree. However this little favorite, doesn't just contain cheese, but also has live insect larvae that can launch about 6 inches when disturbed. What sounded like a really good dish, just lost is savor.
  4. A-Ping - If you're looking to "think outside the box", you may not want to do what they do in Cambodia. A-ping is a fancy name for Tarantula-On-A-Stick. The good news is that it is fried first and tastes a bit like candy.
  5. Ikizikuri - Many countries have banned this dish and, personally, I think it should be banned from your Super Bowl party. The meal is brutal - literally. It consists of a chef filleting a fish, while it's still alive, and if that's not enough for you, when served the heart is still beating. Some have requested for the chef to drop it in the fish tank to show that the fish is indeed, still alive.

Needless to say with all the other great foods out there, it's probably not to far fetched to request that you DON'T serve these at your Sunday Super Bowl party, at least if I'm going to be there.

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