In a November 13 release titled “National Gas Price Average Jumps Nine Cents since First of November,” AAA notes higher prices for gasoline for the majority of states across the USA.

Thanksgiving week is one of the busiest travel times of the year. Nearly 44 million people will travel during this long holiday weekend -- 90 percent will travel by car.

At $2.56, the national gas price average has increased nine cents inside of 13 days. Luckily, in Wyoming, gas prices have only risen 2.7 cents in the last week, averaging $2.51 per gallon.

For example, a 141 mile Cheyenne / Casper roundtrip run with a 4X4 F-150 that averages 19 mpg should cost you $47.90 for gas total.

Wyoming is comparatively cheaper than Colorado and Montana right now. Travel safely.


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