Being ranked by wallethub as 29th best state for women doesn’t look very good for Wyoming. Insert joke about our motto, “The Equality State."

Since wallethub’s last ranking on best states for women (February 2017), we’ve improved from 31st to 29th. At least that was still far better than 247wallstreet ranked Wyoming last October – second worst state in the country for women.

In every state, women earn less than men. Hawaii has the lowest gap, with women earning 12 percent less, whereas Wyoming has the highest, 31 percent.

In every state legislature, male lawmakers outnumber females. Nevada has the lowest gap, with 34.2 percent more males. Wyoming has the highest, with 87.5 percent more males. What is really scary is that over 87 percent more male legislators gives Wyoming a whole 31st “best” rank. We’ll assume that means many other states are even worse about having women in seats of power. With 87 percent more political CowBOYS on Capitol Avenue, we don’t even make the top 30 states.

What is most central to the debate on the gender gap is salary inequality. Wallethub mentions that men do have longer average workdays than women. Wyoming men rank 49th in that category.

Best States for Women’s Equality

Worst States for Women’s Equality

47South Carolina
Source: WalletHub

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