While on maternity leave, pregnancy can be a big job. But while laying on your back waiting for sissy to come, there are phrases you never want to hear the doc say.

When my wife was attempting to have our daughter, there was a lot going on in the delivery room. Some nurse kept putting her fingers in the opening of the cervix to figure out where we were on the dilation front.

Another woman, who was trying to be helpful, kept saying, "Push, push, push, push, push, push." Then there was me, holding one leg up and this other woman holding the other leg up while all the action was going on.

Then there was the doctor, down at the delivery end of my wife. So, all of this is going on during child birth, sometimes busier and in some cases not so busy, but the bottom line is, there are certain words and phrases that a women doesn't want to hear while delivering a child.

Here are 5 things that a mother doesn't want to hear her doctor say, while giving birth to any child. And many of you ladies would agree.

  1. "It's got a big head" - The last thing that a woman wants to hear is that her baby has head the size of Andre the Giant. If that is the case, good luck trying to push that big noggin' through the pelvic bone. At this point, you can hear the anesthesiologist gearing up for a Cesarean Section.
  2. "I think I'm gonna pass out." - Alright! If you hear this from your doctor, lady, you'd better start praying. Let's hope the doc isn't in the delivery room on an empty stomach, or your husband or mother may end up having to finish the job.
  3. "This is my first one" - I realize that there has to be a first time for ALL doctors, but you don't want it to be you. Especially if he has the shakes and the nurse has to constantly coach him through it. Not good. Not good.
  4. "Oh my, they need to come in and have a look at this" - If there is a surprise down there, you don't want to know about. You don't want to be in the middle of your delivery and something happens. The next thing you know, 10 people are standing at the end of the bed, looking at your VJ with that 'deer in the head lights' look on their face.
  5. "I'll be back" - So you're not dilated enough, so the doc sees this as a great time to go pee, grab a bit or go burn one until the baby is ready to come out. You've only been in labor 24 hours and he decides to disappear. Not real comforting, especially when baby starts coming and he is no where to be found.


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