KGWN TV in Cheyenne is reporting that two dogs have died from cyanobacteria poisoning, also known as blue-green algae. Both dogs had been swimming in a lake south of Laramie.

The two dogs died both died before they could get treatment. They died a couple of months apart. There has been no official confirmation of the location of the lake. (symptoms of cyanobacteria poisoning are listed below).

In July, The Wyoming Department of Health issued a recreational use advisory for Leazenby Lake south of Laramie, due to a harmful cyanobacterial bloom (HCB). HCBs are also referred to as harmful algal blooms (HABs) since cyanobacteria are commonly known as blue-green algae. A recreational use advisory means there may be health risks for people and animals in areas where HCBs occur. Lakes and reservoirs under a recreational use advisory are not closed since HCBs may only be present in certain areas of the waterbody and conditions can change frequently.

The Centers for Disease Control says that the best way to protect people and pets from cyanobacteria blooms is to not "...swim, water ski, or boat in areas where the water is discolored or where you see foam, scum, or mats of algae on the water’s surface. Do not allow children or pets to play in or drink scummy water. If you do swim in water that might contain harmful cyanobacteria, rinse off with fresh water as soon as possible afterward."

If you think that you or your dog may have been exposed to cyanobacteria toxins, the CDC recommends you wash yourself and your pet thoroughly with fresh water. If you or your pet swallow water from where there is a harmful algae bloom, call your doctor, a Poison Center, or a veterinarian. Symptoms can show up within munites to hours after exposure.

Call a veterinarian if your animal shows any of the following symptoms of cyanobacteria poisoning:

  • Loss of appetite,
  • Loss of energy
  • Vomiting
  • Stumbling and falling
  • Foaming at the mouth
  • Diarrhea
  • Convulsions
  • Excessive drooling
  • Tremors and seizures
  • Or any other unexplained sickness after being in contact with water.

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