So, last night after ensuring that four sets of jammies were properly adorn and four sets of blankies were properly tucked, I sat my butt down in my favorite leather recliner and fired up the ol' DISH Network DVR. A few moments later, my wife walked into the room and stated with a huff, "I can't wait for the kids to get some GOOD candy on Halloween."

You see, for the last week or so, school-aged kids around the country have been enjoying the fruits of haunted houses, school Halloween parties and other random candy-gathering opportunities. This means that we parents have been enjoying, unbeknownst to our trusting toddlers, the fruits of their labors. The problem is that the candy supply inevitably dwindles to a few plastic tubes of Smarties and a handful of orange-flavored Tootsie Rolls. Thus the countdown to the much-anticipated restock on Halloween night.

This got me thinking. Are we bad parents, or do ALL parents swipe sweets from their kids...

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