Prayers For Maverick Facebook Page
Prayers For Maverick Facebook Page

If you were at the Fallout Boy concert this weekend at Cheyenne Frontier Days, you may have heard a special dedication. Our buddy Maverick got a song, "Jet Pack Blues,"   dedicated to him during the set. Many Wyoming folks have been following Maverick along his courageous journey and love sharing his excitement.

During the concert, the band called for everyone to turn on their cellphone lights as the band played through the song dedicated to their favorite Wyomingite.

For those who don't know Maverick, he is a boy who has been diagnosed with a long list of ailments. According to His Prayers For Maverick Facebook page, some of his ailments include "a heart defect known as Tetralogy of Fallot, chronic lung disease with chronic respiratory failure, full tracheal rings( which means his airway was smaller than a coffee stirring straw) scoliosis, failure to thrive, tracheal and bronchial stenosis, tracheal and bronchial Malaysia, nephrocalcinosis(kidney) hyperkalemia with cardiac arrest, hypokalemia with metabolic acidosis, anemia of chronic disease, endocarditis(infection in heart) hypoglycemia, hepatomagely(liver) severe osteoporosis, sick sinus node, recently had a tracheostomy removed after six years."




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