How Does Wyoming Pronounce Fall Favorites Compared to the US?
How do you pronounce these fall favorites?
Fall is here! With it comes all of the things that are wonderful in life... well, at least for me. As the temperature begins to drop, I find myself reaching for those things that bring me comfort and warmth, be it food or clothing.
Those things differ across the country, but only when it comes to descriptive terms.
According to Business Insider, different states and/or regions use different words or we use the same words to describe our fall favorites, we just pronounce it differently. People say English is the most difficult language to learn, this could easily be the reason why. It's so darn confusing.
Care to take a look with me?
Dip apples in it. Drizzle it on ice cream. Caramel is a staple in the fall season. The difference however, is in how we pronounce it. In Wyoming we are a fan of the two syllables, "CAR-mull." This is right on trend with the west, north and midwest. When you get into the southeast and parts of the east coast, there are actually three syllables as in "CARE-uh-mell."
Who doesn't love pajamas in the fall. Stretchy pants, big fluffy socks, and an over-sized sweatshirt. This is my uniform this time of year. Again, we see a difference in the way we pronounce the word pajamas. In the Cowboy state, we like to jam in our pajamas as we pronounce it as "puh-JAM-uhs." The majority of the country falls in line with this, but once again the southeast and east coast have their own idea. They pronounce it as "puh-JAW-muhs."
Pecan Pie
Serve it up with a big scoop of vanilla ice cream or a massive dollop of whipped cream, pecan pie is a favorite pretty much all year round, especially in the south. This one has the nation pretty divided. In Wyoming we say "pee-KAHN", although there is a little bit of "PEE-kahn" mixed in. Just a difference of which syllable you put the emphasis on. Most of the country uses this pronunciation, but there are some areas that use other pronunciations like "pick-AHN" and "PEE-can."
Maple syrup is enjoyed all year, but maple flavor is a must in the fall season. My first job was at an old fashioned candy store in my hometown and we sold these old fashioned maple candies that were to DIE FOR. We were always sold out during the fall months. Wyoming is right on trend with the nation when it comes to pronouncing syrup as "SIR-up." It's a small portion of the northeast however, that says "SEAR-up"... And Buddy the Elf.
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