That extra hour of sunshine will be going away soon as we set the clocks to 'fall back'.

Sunday, November 6th, 2016 at 2:00 am, it'll be time to set those clocks back an hour. This is also a really good time to check things in the home, like smoke detectors, fire extinguishers and even replacing light bulbs. Also, it's a good time to review (or in some cases, create) a family emergency plan. Good items to have on it are:

  • Emergency Contact Information
  • Emergency Numbers (Fire, Police, Ambulance, Family Doctor)
  • First Aid Kit Locations
  • Where To Meet In The Event of An Emergency
  • Plans For Pets

Daylight Saving Time will resume on Monday, March 12th, 2017 at 2:00 am. If you have trouble remembering which way the clocks go (forward or back), always remember "spring forward" and "fall back".


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