Selling bottled water can be hard when there are so many bottled water companies out there.

If you're going to be successful at this, you need a gimmick.

How about a catchy name?

What about a name or an image that will make people laugh?

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you BIGFOOT PEE!

For some strange reason, bigfoot pee is not yellow.

Maybe they should be selling lemonade and calling that Bigfoot Pee.

Maybe Bigoof is just exceptionally well-hydrated. He does drink spring and lake water all the time.

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Bigfoot Pee - Made By Believers For Believers!

You've got to admit, that's catchy.

Their website is

There is no way anyone else had that domain name before them.

The downside is that they currently only have Oregon retail locations.

I don't see anywhere that would let me order it online, so I might have to give them a call just to get a few bottles, for my own amusement.


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Just how does one capture "Bigfoot Pee" for bottling? Do they have urinals in outhouses in the woods that say "BIGFOOT ONLY?"

How do they know where to place those Bigfoot outhouses?

What if a bear who did not care about rules used the outhouse and nobody knew it?

Did they make a deal with Bigfoot so they could use his image, name, and pee? If not there might be a lawsuit on the way.

How do we know that this water actually passed through a Bigfoot?

Do you think we can get them into stores in Wyoming?

Would you drink it if someone gave you a bottle?

Bigfoot Underwear Is Real

We can't find Bigfoot. But we found his underwear.

Gallery Credit: Glenn Woods

Life-Size Bigfoot

Gallery Credit: Glenn Woods

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