Cheyenne Dogs Back Home After Wild Game of ‘Catch Me If You Can’
Two naughty dogs are back home safe following a wild game of "Catch Me If You Can" in downtown Cheyenne Saturday morning.
Animal Control Supervisor Officer Elizabeth Wagner says it all started around 10:18 a.m. when Officer Kindsvater received a report regarding two small dogs running at large near the 2100 block of Pioneer Avenue.
"While responding to a different call ... Officer Nguyen pulled over on West 24th Street and O'Neil Avenue to assist a concerned man flailing his arms around for help," Wagner said in a press release.
"The gentleman informed Officer Nguyen that he was missing two dogs: 'Bear,' a black Pomeranian, and 'Goldie,' a golden Pomeranian," Wagner added.
Wagner says Nguyen immediately relayed the lost dog report to Kindsvater, who told her that he was already in the process of responding to Pioneer Avenue in search of two small dogs whose colors were unknown.
"Nguyen shared this with the owner so that he could respond to the area in case the dogs happened to be his," said Wagner.
About half an hour later, Kindsvater received a report from the Laramie County Combined Communications Center about two small dogs running in front of 2223 Warren Avenue.
"When Nguyen and Kindsvater arrived at the location, they observed the reported lost dogs, “Bear” and “Goldie,” continuously running in and out of oncoming traffic at the intersection of East 22nd Street and Warren Avenue," said Wagner.
"Nguyen immediately updated the owner on the dogs' whereabouts while she, Kindsvater, and other community members tried to capture the pair," Wagner added.
After searching on foot a great distance, Wagner says the owner was finally reunited with the mischievous duo, who, luckily, were not injured during their day on the town.