Safety Concerns Spur Closure of Pedestrian Bridge in Cheyenne
Structural safety concerns have forced the Wyoming Department of Transportation to temporarily close the Western Hills Boulevard pedestrian bridge over Interstate 25 in Cheyenne.
WYDOT spokeswoman Andrea Staley says the bridge, which provides a protected crossing for Jessup Elementary School, McCormick Junior High School, and Central High School students, was already scheduled to be rehabilitated once school had let out for the summer.
But due to many factors, such as moisture and weather conditions, engineers determined the far west column had sustained too much damage to keep the bridge open any longer.
"WYDOT is currently evaluating options to temporarily shore the bridge to open for pedestrian traffic as soon as possible," Staley said in a release.
In the meantime, Bishop Boulevard will be closed between Western Hills Boulevard and Evers Boulevard (see the detour map below). I-25 and Hynds Boulevard will not be impacted by the bridge closure.
"Once the school year has concluded, the bridge will be closed again during the rehabilitation project," said Staley.
Staley says WYDOT will be accepting bids for the upcoming project Thursday, Feb. 9, and more information about scheduling will be released once details have been finalized.