Officials with the Wyoming Department of Health are reminding parents to make sure their kids vaccinations are up to date.

According to a WDH news release: “Children have returned to schools, where they are in close contact with each other all day. It doesn’t take much to spread illness,” said Dr. Alexia Harrist, state health officer and state epidemiologist with WDH. “We are thankful to have vaccines to help protect our kids from many life-threatening diseases such as measles and whooping cough.”

Some vaccines are required for students in Wyoming public schools, private schools and child care facilities. For kindergarten students those include DTaP, MMR, hepatitis B, polio and varicella vaccinations. In additon, according to the release “We encourage parents to keep their children up-to-date on required immunizations, as well as others we recommend such as for flu, HPV, meningococcal, hepatitis A and COVID-19,” Harrist said. “These are all great tools to help keep Wyoming kids healthy.”

How To Track Vaccination Records

Wyoming parents can look up their kids' vaccination records on Docket,  a secure website and smartphone app offered by the department.

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Gallery Credit: Joy Greenwald