An Arizona man was showing off a rattlesnake he caught and was going to grill when the snake bit him on the face and chest and he nearly died. We have two types of rattlesnakes in Wyoming and few hangout on the dangerous Rattlesnake pass. Here's what you should do if you get bit in the face.

Wyoming Game & Fish herpetologist Wendy Estes- Zumpf, says we have two types of rattlesnakes. Prairie Rattlers have a cocktail of hemotoxins that can destroy flesh in the bite area and could cause loss of the bitten limb.

Rattlesnakes with nerve-damaging neurotoxins in their venom are more dangerous, like the snakes you could find around Flaming Gorge.

Multi-award winning Kirby C. Hornbeck Photography features some of the best wildlife shots because of his mad skills and his seemingly constant pursuit of his craft. I asked Kirby where you would most likely run across one of these incredibly beautiful but deadly hunter killers.

“If you go to Rattlesnake Pass on the north side of Elk Mountain, It's a county road you should be able to see snakes on the road especially in the evening. They are migrating back to their dens now.”

A rattlesnake can strike the length of its body. It strikes when it is threatened. It wants to preserve its venom for hunting and will use a minimal amount while defending itself, BUT, young rattlers are more reckless and as such can be more dangerous.

Wendy also told me that if you are bitten, forget the tourniquet, forget cutting the skin, forget sucking out the poison. You need to stay calm and get to a hospital asap.

The treatment for the Arizona man required that he was blacked out for five days during recovery, but he survived. He says he 'ain't gonna play with snakes no more.' Best you avoid them altogether. USAToday has 8 things you should never do around a rattlesnake.


Thinking of cooking a rattlesnake?

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