Most Expensive Home Available in Laramie Has Heated Floors/Garage
Let's dream a little bit. If you could afford the most expensive home in Laramie, what would you expect it to include? If heated floors are near the top of your list, boy do I have the Laramie home for you.
This is 1162 Dutton Ct in Laramie. According to Realtor.com, it's the most expensive currently available in the city. Those last 3 words are vital because there is a home near the Snowy Mountain Range that has a Laramie address, but it's seriously not even close to the city proper.
Before I brag on this place, check out some pics. Oh, and just about every room you see has heated floors.
Most Expensive Home Available in Laramie
The garage has 3 doors, but takes care of 4 vehicles according to the listing and it also has heated floors. Tell me that wouldn't be nice when the Laramie winter arrives.
The other stats on this home are impressive as you might expect. The Realtor listing says it has 5 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms and occupies over 7,000 square feet.

What makes this the most expensive home available in Laramie? $1,249,000 asking price is the reason. The estimated monthly payment is more than my car is worth which isn't surprising at all if you've seen my car. (Think loser in a demo derby)
Check out the full listing if you'd like more pics and details of this epic Laramie estate.
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