Paris West Ups Cheyenne Frontier Days Parade with Seats (& Eats!)
One kind of real estate is a hot commodity during the Cheyenne Frontier Days Grand Parade - seating. It's not uncommon to see folks line up an hour before the parade starts at 9 a.m. to seek out the best spots for viewing the parade. The avid parade fan highly prizes curbs and shady areas on the sidewalk.
There are advantages to a phenomenal spot at the parade. You get the best views, the best photos, and for the kids (and occasionally adults) - freebies.
Trust me, if this is your first parade - find your spot early. The competition for optimal parade viewing is fierce.
Of course, if epic battles over enough curb space to fit your family don't sound appealing...give the team at Paris West a call.
If you've not had a chance to visit the restaurant, you're missing out. Once upon a time, Cheyenne was known as the 'Paris of the West' by railroaders and residents. Cheyenne was booming in the late 1800s, with more wealth than Paris and millionaires making homes here. In honor of that legacy, Paris West brings the flair of Parisian cooking with beloved Western classics. It's a delicious fusion of cultural cuisine - you'll find everything from crepes and boeuf bourguignon to rustic steak skillets and waffles on the menu. It's très chic and totally delicious.
Now, Paris West is adding its flair to the Cheyenne Frontier Days Parade with its Parade Watch Parties.
Paris West Cheyenne Grand Parade Watch Party Elevates Your Parade Experience
Paris West's Parade Watch Party sounds next level. Seriously, as someone who has spent many a year guarding seats at the parade at the crack of dawn, I've got to commend the idea. We're talking reserved seats right along the Parade Route (no need to send Dad on ahead to guard the curb spot), snacks, and an after-party to boot.
To top it off, Paris West released a new menu for CFD featuring mouthwatering bbq smoked on-site and waffle pops. The menu even has food my gluten-free, dairy-free husband can eat - quite the accomplishment! My stomach is rumbling just thinking about it... The whole celebration is even more auspicious, knowing that the first Friday of Frontier Days marked the restaurant's first anniversary - Paris West has ample reason to party on Parade Days...and, of course, they want to party with you.
Find more info on the Parade Day Watch Parties by clicking here.