Still Online Shopping? Take a Look at These Order Deadlines
Yes, even Amazon has a deadline for holiday orders.
It's the most wonderful time of the year, but let's be honest it comes with stress. There are places to go, people to see and of course, presents to buy. This is the part that usually trips me up. I can get lost in all of the options and, truth be told, I typically start way too late. This year, I actually got serious and knocked it all out within a week. It's not to actually enjoy the final days before the big day. It's all peppermint mochas and Christmas cookies from here on out!
However, you may still be shopping.
Keep in mind that while online shopping is easy and convenient, it does come with some deadlines of its own. Yes, even Amazon with it's quick turnaround can become problematic the closer we get to Christmas. Couple this with the fact that many other may be ordering at the same time and your gifts could be late.
Retail Me Not listed "order by" dates from a few popular chain stores, but for those who like to procrastinate... sooner is always better.
Walmart: 2 p.m. local time on December if you want free two-day shipping. December 21 is your deadline for free next-day delivery.
Target: December 21 for free two-day shipping.
Amazon: You can do one-day shipping as late as December 24, but it will cost you $12.99. Prime members will receive this for free if the order is over $35.
Best Buy: December 21 is the deadline for most items, but there may be exceptions.
Ultimately, same-day pickup will be your best best with last minute online shopping.