“Kassam stated that he understood what he did was wrong and he would never pick up or disturb any wildlife again, and instead would wait at the scene and call for law enforcement."
With all the crazy stuff happening in Yellowstone as of late, I thought I would put together a meme that would keep those with less than enough common sense out of trouble.
Because the case remains under investigation, park officials are not releasing the names of the individuals nor their country until it has been completed.
Here we go again, with idiots in Yellowstone National Park, where a pair of tourists were worried that a bison calf was cold.
Eastidahonews.com reports “A father and son pulled up to the ranger station with a bison calf in their car...
A calf was released so the tourists could see a lion kill and eat it. What they got was an amazing show with a surprise ending... followed by another.
(No need to shield your eyes. While it sounds gruesome, we promise it's suitable for your eyes...