It's like watching an all-star video for the best Wyoming wildlife characters. A new trail cam video from near Cody reveals that a grizzly, wolf, elk and even a wild horse made their way past one single area.
The Wyoming Migration Initiative has placed multiple trail cams at "popular" migration crossings and often shares the best video clips with their followers.
When I think of coyotes, the word that comes to mind is not "playful". Maybe I should reconsider after a lady shared a video of a wild coyote really trying to play with her dog.
A Wyoming ranch decided to install motion-triggered cameras around their land. The result is a video showing just about every type of wildlife imaginable.
Coyotes tripping on hallucinogenic mushrooms is one explanation experts are giving for some strange incidents in the North Bay of Bolinas, California..
According to the Pacific Sun, a coyote has reportedly been jumping onto Highway 1 in the Bolinas area in the dead of night and staring down cars...