Devils Tower

80 Years Ago: First Man Succesfully ‘Free Climbs’ Devils Tower
80 Years Ago: First Man Succesfully ‘Free Climbs’ Devils Tower
80 Years Ago: First Man Succesfully ‘Free Climbs’ Devils Tower
80 years ago this week, on June 28, 1937, Fritz Wiessner became the first person to "free climb" Devils Tower. Although the German-born mountain climber was the first to scale the monument using modern techniques, many men had completed the ascent with the aid of a wooden ladder built decades earlier by two local ranchers...
WYO's Most Demonic Places
WYO's Most Demonic Places
WYO's Most Demonic Places
Devils Tower National Monument is one of Wyoming's most recognized landmarks, but it's not the only 'devlish' destination in the Cowboy State. Here's five other places with demonic designations. The Devil's Backbone - Named after a ridge of jagged rocks in Natrona County, Devil's Backbone was once considered the best place for frontier settlers to make it through the narrow trail by wagon... Read