With The 4th of July, come the outdoor activities, parties, BBQs and fireworks. It’s the fireworks that have the most likely tendency to cause harm (my potato salad not withstanding).
Simple sparklers can burn at 2,000 degrees, which is hot enough to melt some metals, let alone a young child just having fun...
Keep that BBQ smoke on your property or I’ll write you up!
I know outrage on the internet hardly ever happens, but it seems that this video out of Pinellas County,Florida set the blogosphere on fire with righteous indignation over a county environmental employee dealing with some dudes that were having a bbq in their back yard...
Will Wyoming legalize marijuana? It depends on which kind of use. Colorado legalized Marijuana in 2012 and is making millions in tax revenues, but there are other issues that come with legalized pot. Washington State, Washington DC, Oregon and Alaska and have also voted to legalize recreational use of marijuana...
Last September, when the massive flooding hit Northern Colorado, Roy Ortiz was trapped in his upside down car in a river. He was saved by firefighters who risked their own lives to help save his; and now, they may be sued by Roy because they didn't get him out sooner...