Reddit has been a good place to find some historical photos from all around Wyoming, and the best part is that people are taking photos of what these places look like now compared to how they used to look and it's a shocking difference.
Let's face it, we may not have loved our social studies classes growing up for various reasons. But looking back at our state when we are older and seeing how things change can be kind of cool. Check out this cool video of just how much Worland has changed since 1920.
Lawyers of Utah opened their email from the Utah State Bar and found a booby trap, a picture of a topless woman with an invitation to their annual convention.
On Thursday evening 7/27, we experienced a late afternoon thunderstorm here in Cheyenne, but in Nebraska, the lightning was a little more severe-and caught on camera.
Today it would be no shock to hear this is in a National Enquirer. This Wyoming State Tribune story, however, appeared on Oct. 03, in 1922: "Thousand California Convicts Rejuvenated by Glands of Animals."