If You Smell Cucumbers in Your House, Get Out FastIf You Smell Cucumbers in Your House, Get Out FastThis is not a smell you want to mess with, rather get ready to have conversation with a wildlife, animal, or pest control expert, and fast.Jolana MillerJolana Miller
Good Dog Takes Rattlesnake Bite to Protect Owner on South Dakota TrailGood Dog Takes Rattlesnake Bite to Protect Owner on South Dakota TrailThere are rattlesnakes in South Dakota and a hero dog named Bear has the wound to prove it.Danny VDanny V
Back For Summer, Meet Wyoming’s RattlesnakesBack For Summer, Meet Wyoming’s RattlesnakesHiking humans should watch for Wyoming’s two types of poisonous snakes, the Prairie Rattlesnake and the Midget Faded Rattlesnake.KingFM StaffKingFM Staff
Two Dogs Bit By Rattlesnakes In Northern ColoradoTwo Dogs Bit By Rattlesnakes In Northern ColoradoAn agitated snake can strike further and inject more venom.KamaKama