If you travel to old town Fort Collins, this will amaze you. The Mulberry Bridge replacement project is finally finished after 14 months. Construction on the project began in September of 2014, detouring traffic to and from Interstate 25 and Old Town...
The end is in sight for two major road construction projects in Cheyenne.
Mayor Rick Kaysen says crews are expected to finish up work on Phase I of the 19th Street Reconstruction Project later this month and the Logan Avenue Reconstruction Project by the end of next month...
Seven months of construction to work on water, sewer, curbs, gutters and fresh road surfacing will mean detours around sections of 19th Street between Morrie Avenue and Warren Avenue.
Watch for the detour signs and please, give the construction workers a brake, slow down...
Does your commute use the one way streets in downtown Cheyenne?
Starting on Monday, March 16, East 19th Street will be closed for repair work at Warren Avenue. Traffic will be detoured to 18th Street.
You’ve seen the words “Under Construction” pretty much everywhere you turn in Cheyenne. Well best get used to it, we could very well see those words for many years to come!
Were you dreading the closure of the Converse and Pershing intersection near Cole Shopping Center? Construction on the new roundabout coming to that intersection in east Cheyenne has been delayed by weather this week.