Why Sting Believes He’ll Still Be Touring at 80Why Sting Believes He’ll Still Be Touring at 80He doesn't see why he can't follow Paul McCartney in headlining Glastonbury at that age.Martin KieltyMartin Kielty
Sting: Bands Should Reunite OnceSting: Bands Should Reunite OnceFrontman looks back on Police tour of 2007-8, and explains why they didn't even try to write new music.Martin KieltyMartin Kielty
Sting North American Tour DatesSting North American Tour DatesHe'll tour the U.S. and Canada throughout September and October.Bryan RolliBryan Rolli
Diddy Was Joking About Paying Sting $5K Daily for Police SampleDiddy Was Joking About Paying Sting $5K Daily for Police SampleThe rocker has still made plenty of money off "I'll Be Missing You." Martin KieltyMartin Kielty
30 Years Ago: Sting Tries (and Fails) to Make an LP That Isn’t About Him30 Years Ago: Sting Tries (and Fails) to Make an LP That Isn’t About HimHis aim was to deliver less autobiographical songs, but that's not the way 'Ten Summoner's Tales' turned out. Corey IrwinCorey Irwin
Highest-Paid Entertainers ListHighest-Paid Entertainers ListThe Rolling Stones also reached the Top 10 on a list that includes movie and television stars. Matthew WilkeningMatthew Wilkening
30 Years Ago: Sting Changes Gears With ‘If I Ever Lose My Faith in You’30 Years Ago: Sting Changes Gears With ‘If I Ever Lose My Faith in You’His last non-soundtrack Top 20 hit showed that some truths were easier to get at than others.Nick DeRisoNick DeRiso
Sting Shares New ‘Russians’ Performance in Support of UkraineSting Shares New ‘Russians’ Performance in Support of Ukraine"I've only rarely sung this song in the many years since it was written, because I never thought it would be relevant again," rocker said.Bryan RolliBryan Rolli
Sting Sells Songwriting Catalog for Reported $250 MillionSting Sells Songwriting Catalog for Reported $250 MillionDeal includes solo work and Police songs.Allison RappAllison Rapp
Sting Claims an Italian Duke Tricked Him Into Buying a VineyardSting Claims an Italian Duke Tricked Him Into Buying a VineyardIn response, the Duke's family calls the rocker's accusation “false, poisonous slander.” Corey IrwinCorey Irwin