These Are Our Top New Year’s Resolutions for 2021
The most popular one may be the most important.
Maybe it's because I'm a 3 on the Enneagram, but I am excited about setting some resolutions and goals for next year. Yep, I'm that annoying person. I also like to do a vision board around this time too. I grab a piece of poster board, a stack of magazines, and spend an afternoon cutting out photos, buzzwords or phrases and pasting them on the board. It's therapeutic for me.
And although setting goals for the new year may not sound as appealing as it did a year ago, I think we should still ponder what the next year will look like for us as individuals.
A recent survey from WalletHub has narrowed down our top four resolutions for 2021. They believe that these resolutions are a direct result of the pandemic and I wouldn't disagree completely. I believe these are all great goals to reach for in any new year, but I know that they're being emphasized after our experiences in 2020.
Let's count them down...
4. Bad Habits
Of those who took part in the poll, 22 percent say that they want to break bad habits in the new year. The example given was being late, which I think 2020 had a major influence on. I mean, if you started working from home this year, suddenly there wasn't a schedule anymore. We may have taken advantage of the fact that we could roll out of bed and be "at work" in less that two minutes. It might take some time to undo some of these 2020 habits.
3. Relationships
26 percent of people want to focus on their relationships. We spent a lot of time with those closest to us which reminded us of the importance of that quality time. However, there are other people we didn't get to see as often as we would have liked this year. In 2020 I think we'll see people wanting to get together more often and go deeper in their conversations with others.
2. Finances
2020 certainly threw a wrench into the gears of our finances, didn't it? 38 percent of those in the survey are committed to their bottom line in 2021. We learned how important it is to have an emergency fund and a savings account. Some of us realized that saving for retirement is something that should be started sooner rather than later. Here's to budgeting in 2021.
1. Health
It makes perfect sense that in a year so focused on health that we are committing to taking care of ourselves in the new year. 59 percent of people surveyed want to make themselves a top priority in 2021. I'm thankful to have established a workout routine in 2020 with that extra time I had on my hands and I'm determined to keep it up as life picks up again. I'm sure there are people that are taking those routine doctor's appointments a little more seriously too. Get those on the calendar now. Oh, and try to get some better sleep in the new year too.
What kind of resolutions are you brainstorming during this holiday season?