Tonight’s Supermoon Puts on Pre-4th of July Stunning Solar Show!
Tonight is the eve of Independence Day - the night when we U.S. citizens set out cookies for Uncle Sam and his magical flying eagles while giving thanks for our nation and the freedom forged on July 4, 1776.
Uncle Sam won't have to fly blind this year to deliver fireworks to your home because it looks like even the moon plans on celebrating Independence Day this year!
July Supermoon Shines on Independence Day Eve.
Though most fireworks won't be rocketing off until tomorrow night (of course, some folks have been celebrating a bit early), there will be quite the light show in the sky tonight as dusk falls.
Look to the horizon around sunset to watch a mega-moon rise gracefully into the sky. It's clear skies tonight, so catching a glimpse of the supermoon won't take much. The extra-brilliant orb will also rise tomorrow, losing only a little of its twinkle by nightfall on the 4th of July. It should pair perfectly with the bombastic fireworks displays across Wyoming if the weather plays nice (knock on wood, folks.)
Do You Know Why July's Supermoon is Extra Special This Year?
The July full moon is generally known as the Buck Moon by weather sources like the Old Farmer's Almanac. According to the OFA, the July full moon was named "because the antlers of male deer (bucks) are in full-growth mode at this time." A July supermoon is still called "the Buck Moon."
Indigenous tribes of Wyoming referred to the July Moon under different names. The Shoshone tribe calls it 'daza-mea,' or the 'summer moon,' and the Lakota Sioux refer to it as 'Čhaƞpȟá Sápa Wí' or 'the moon when chokecherries are ripe.'
However, this July's supermoon is extra-special because it's the FIRST of 2023. This year will only feature four supermoons, so don't miss them!