Now that 2017 is behind us, let’s take a look at what Wyoming wanted most, from the online site of America’s largest retailer, Walmart. The chain has revealed their top-selling online item from each state. Some are a little odd. Don’t worry, Wyoming’s most ordered item, the flannel shirt. We must have a lot of hipsters.

A&E's "Bates Motel" Party - Arrivals - Comic-Con International 2013
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Minnesota loves Flaming Hot Cheetos while Washington D.C. is into Great Value French Fried Onions.

Our Wyoming neighboring states have their favorites. Colorado cures the munchies with Peanut M&M Utah - Personal travel care kits, Idaho - My Little Pony Mini Collection. Montana seems to spend time gaming - Madden NFL video games. In South Dakota, a day without sunshine calls for Orange juice. Kansas - Ozark Trail tumblers, Nebraska - Pressed makeup powder (which I’ve never heard of.)

Look at the entire list HERE

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