What Word Does Wyoming Misspell Most?
I'll be the first to admit, my spelling is far from perfect! But in this day of 'auto-correct' do we really need to remember how to spell words like...Meeteetse??
The national spelling bee got underway today and to help promote their coverage of the contest, NBC just published a Google Trends list of the most misspelled words for each state. However, some of the words that each state looks up on google.com, beginning with the phrase 'How to spell' are a bit surprising!
For instance - residents of the state of Wisconsin look up how to spell 'Wisconsin' more than anything else.
For Texas they search the word 'Maintenance', in Idaho it's the word 'Quote' in Montana it's 'Surprise'.
6 states look most for a word that is 5 letters or less. 2 states look up words with 11-19 letters and 2 states look up the same word with more than 20 letters - 'Supercalifragilisticexpalidocus'
For Wyoming, the word we lookup how to spell most is - Priority. With our slower way of life, that sounds pretty accurate.