What’s Trending Tuesday, Wyoming And Beyond
I was on vacation last week and I still have adjusted to being back to work. I realized that it was Tuesday and not Wednesday, about 15 minutes before I started writing this. Would have been real embarrassing if I'd have titled this Wednesday instead of Tuesday. It's going to be a great day! Let's take a look at the trending stories to get us through the morning.
Trending Locally
Good news, most Wyomingites feel that we're a safe state. So many, in fact, that we come in second in the nation for safest states. It's probably because we like our space.
Laramie's Farmers Market will be back up and running starting this Friday. If you're looking for another take on local grown produce, they'll be running most every Friday in Downtown Laramie from 3pm-7pm.
The website Yappy dug in to what dog breed Wyomingites spoil the most, and I think we were all influenced at a young age by Snoopy, as we love to spoil beagles. It must be the big, floppy ears.
Trending Nationally
Marilyn Monroe is back in the main stream spotlight in, checks notes, Palm Springs. Palm Springs Art Mueseum unveiled a new statue of the 1950s icon in her legendary white dress on a subway grate. This lead to a group of protestors demanding it be removed for its misogynist views.
The new trailer for the GI Joe origins story of Snake Eyes dropped yesterday. If you liked the latest Mortal Kombat, this is like that, just, GI Joe. Kind of. Probably.
How did Mick Jagger feel about Maroon 5's "Moves Like Jagger"? He loved it, though, he said that he didn't earn a dime off the song.