Wyoming Town Still Smells Like Tourists After Eclipse (SATIRE)
"We are a town of 204 people," said Marie Sandsom of Glendo, Wyoming. "There were five times more porta potties then residents. That's a smell that kinda lingers"
Small towns like Glendo were more than happy to welcome folks from all over the nation to come and enjoy the eclipse. They were happy to take their money. After the event, as the eclipse views drove slowly away, there were smiling faces and shouts of "come back and see us."
But, then, after all the cars had cleared the murmur began. Something didn't smell right. Literally. The tiny town was smart enough to bring in truck loads of porta potties and place them in eclipse viewing fields all around the town, and around the lake. Considering the size of the crowd it was a smart move, to say the least. But that would mean that all those friendly visitors had left something behind for the town to clean up.
"Damn," whispered Pete Smith, a long time Glendo Resident. The townsfolk nodded in agreement with Pete. No further explanation was needed.
"We got them porta poties out of town as fast as we could haul them, without spilling," said one town councilman. "But that kinda stank gets into stuff. We was think we might hire a local crop duster to come fog the area with Fabreze."
While Glendo deals with it's problems the state of Wyoming is wondering what to do about the "STANK" down the highways leading out of state. Traffic was so slow and heavy folks leaped from their vehicles when nature called and took care of business in road side ditches.
"With the heat of summer we might be smelling the eclipse for another month or so," said one Wyoming highway patrol officer.