We got our shelter cat Finster, a few months ago and at just one year old, he is mellowing a bit from the first few weeks of being a spring-loaded energy ball that could cross a room in two leaps. My wife and I decided that he could be an outdoor cat and he will disappear for hours at a time, going God knows where.

Today, Finster proudly brought us a gift.

Cooper, Townsquare Media
Cooper, Townsquare Media

We told him what a good cat he is and how proud of him we are. I would not have been surprised if this city cat had brought a mouse, but this wabbit, I mean rabbit, is as big as the cat!. It’s being a parent… of a fuzzy kid. I waited for him to leave before I dispatched the rabbit to the trash. All the while, going through my mind was Elmer Fudd singing....

A guy told my wife that his cats have taken birds right out of the air. I have been sheltered and have had mostly indoor cats. What have you had laid at your door by a pet?

This cat has brought a lot of love to our house and I have the Cheyenne Animal Shelter to thank. Here’s to those who work there.

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