With the political season well under way, there are a lot of myths and misconceptions about the process of fracking. It's time to put an end to the misinformation you hear.

Western Energy Alliance focuses on federal water, land, air and other environmental issues that impact our way of life in Wyoming, concerning natural and oil production.

They have been successful in stopping federal regulation of fracking in a federal court, by showing how states, like Wyoming, have an excellent safety record over the years.

Here are 10 facts about fracking that can put you at ease when you hear politicians and news sources possibly misrepresenting the process.

  1. Hydraulic Fracturing or "fracking" was developed in 1947 and used commercially in 1950. 
  2. In the U.S., over 1.2 million wells have been fracked.
  3. More than 90 percent of natural gas and new oil wells in the U.S. are fracked.
  4. The EPA has concluded there is not "widespread, systemic impacts on drinking water resources."
  5. Several layers of steel and cement are installed to protect ground water before a well is ever fracked.
  6. The fluid used for fracking is about 99.5 percent sand and water. Other chemicals are trade secrets and not released to the public.
  7. Some fracking chemicals are available at FracFocus.org.
  8. Less than 1 percent of total U.S. water is used in the entire natural gas and oil industry.
  9. American producers have enabled our country to overtake Saudi Arabia and Russia as the number one producer of natural gas and oil.
  10. The natural gas and oil industry generates $1.2 trillion for the economy in America and offers about 9.8 million jobs.

Hopefully, this will give you more information about the process of fracking. Hit the quick links in the article to learn more.

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