In an effort to recruit more officers, the Cheyenne Police Department is hosting a summit at the Cheyenne Public Safety Center on July 20 at 6 p.m.

Officer Dan Long says the informational event is "open to anyone who's interested in becoming a Cheyenne Police officer."

"The meeting is just to kind of detail what the hiring process is, how to prepare for it and just kind of what being a police officer is all about," said Long. "Anyone that's there will have the opportunity to ask officers questions about the nature of the police work or the requirements of the job."

The next testing dates to become a Cheyenne Police officer will be August 10-11.

"We're always looking for officers to come on board and this is one way to just kind of get the word out that we are recruiting and looking for people," said Long.

Joy Greenwald, Townsquare Media
Joy Greenwald, Townsquare Media

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