
Monty Python’s John Cleese With A Funny English Take On Syria And Terrorist Threat Levels
Monty Python’s John Cleese With A Funny English Take On Syria And Terrorist Threat Levels
Monty Python’s John Cleese With A Funny English Take On Syria And Terrorist Threat Levels
The English are feeling the pinch in relation to recent events in Syria and have therefore raised their security level from "Miffed" to "Peeved." Soon, though, security levels may be raised yet again to "Irritated" or even "A Bit Cross." The English have not been "A Bit Cross" since the blitz in 1940 when tea supplies nearly ran out...
The Trillion Dollar Coin… Coming To A Pocket Nowhere Near Yours
The Trillion Dollar Coin… Coming To A Pocket Nowhere Near Yours
The Trillion Dollar Coin… Coming To A Pocket Nowhere Near Yours
A surprisingly serious proposal in the political world has been making headlines.  Congress has been searching for a solution to the looming debt ceiling.  The idea proposed would take care of the debt that has been accumulating.  Say hello to the Trillion Dollar Coin!
The Funniest Fiscal Cliff Memes
The Funniest Fiscal Cliff Memes
The Funniest Fiscal Cliff Memes
Hey, did you hear the good news? We managed to avoid soaring headlong off the fiscal cliff yesterday. Granted, the House pulled the plug on a bill providing emergency aid to people whose lives were destroyed by Superstorm Sandy to do it. But they did it. Hooray!(?)
Romanian Lawmaker Moonwalks for Political Attention
Romanian Lawmaker Moonwalks for Political Attention
Romanian Lawmaker Moonwalks for Political Attention
In politics, vying for attention can be a difficult feat, what with all the scandalous love affairs, dishonest financial antics and hot-button social issues. But it appears that Romanian lawmaker Edmond Talmacean may have found a way to catch the public's eye. His method? Dancing.