5 Tips to Make Working From Home Easier
Your office may look more like your living room right about now...
These days life looks a little different, doesn't it? From social gatherings being put off to schools being closed, it's been an adjustment. Many of us have been thrown into a situation that we weren't prepared for. Your boss or teacher may have moved operations to strict online and remote methods.
If you're suddenly at home trying to get your job done and the struggle is real, here are some things that can help.
1. Stick to Your Routine
It may seen impossible to stick to your routine when your routine has been thrown out the window, but do the best you can. Wake up at the time you would normally wake up and proceed with your morning as normal. Eat, workout, enjoy that long cup of coffee, get the kids ready for their day... whatever it is. The key is to keep your body in rhythm. This will help you focus throughout the day and be more productive.
2. Keep Your Normal Hours
If you roll into the office at 8 a.m. on a normal day, start your work at the same time at home. Be thankful that you don't have to commute, but stick to that regular start time. If you allow yourself to sleep in or start later, it will prevent you from being productive. Also, be sure to take your normal breaks and close up shop at the same time that you would if you were physically in an office. This structure will be beneficial to sticking to a routine. Oh, and don't let your boss take advantage of the fact that your office is across the house and not across town. When you stop working for the day, you have officially "left the office."
3. Designate an Office Space
If you have an actual office, that fabulous! Just move in there. If you don't, try to find a room or a space that can act as your "office." It could be the formal dining room (that no one eats at anyway) or the laundry room or the guest room. Heck, it could just be a space carved out in your living room. Get creative. It's important to have a space to "go into work" in and "leave work" in. This will help you get into work mode and get out of it as well.
4. Set Work Boundaries
This one will be difficult. You'll tell yourself that because you're home you can get so much more done in between work tasks. This doesn't work well. Folding laundry, dusting or even just straightening up your kid's room can derail your productivity. These aren't things you can do while you're "at work" so they can't be things you can do in this new situation either, if you can avoid it. Save the chores for after work, just like you normally would. Heck, it may even motivate you to get your work done faster. Also, make sure the people in your house respect your boundaries too. Just because you're spouse may be off, doesn't mean they can pop in and take you away from your responsibilities.
5. Find a Way to Structure Your Kids
I don't have kids, but even I know this one is easier said than done. Kids are their own person. They get bored, upset, fussy, rambunctious, rebellious... the list goes on and on. It may be difficult to keep them entertained, but with a little creativity, maybe you could. If they're a little older you may be able to give them tasks or little jobs to do. I have a friend on social media who is challenging her kids to find one thing to research and learn about each day. It's on them to determine what that thing is, which is a great way to spark curiosity and imagination. At the end of each day, they must teach their mom about the topic. I love this idea. Of course, every household looks different, but giving your child a little structure or responsibility will make your day less stressful.
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