Through the years, we have heard all kinds of conspiracy theories ranging from Paul McCarthy dying in 1966 to Elvis living in Hawaii.

But here are 5 conspiracy theories in American pop culture that people would love to believe, but are probably void of truth.

  1. Orson Welles War of the Worlds - The conspiracy was that the 1938 radio broadcast was psychological warfare, funded by the Rockefeller Foundation. The conspiracy was also that the Rockefeller's hired Welles to conduct the experiment to see how people would respond to an invasion. The power of the media was shown throughout the whole world as people listened on their radios and thought the world was being attacked by aliens. The truth is that out of 6 million people, 25% thought it was a real invasion. But not by aliens. They thought the attack was actually coming from Germans.
  2. The Death of Marilyn Monroe - It has been commonly accepted that Monroe committed suicide, especially because of her radical past as an actress. However, one of the conspiracy theories surrounding her death was that Robert Kennedy put a Mafia hit on her, to keep Monroe from telling about her affairs with him, John F. Kennedy and Ted Kennedy.
  3. Walt Disney Built an Evil Empire - Founded in 1923, The Walt Disney Company is one of America's oldest entertainment industries. They have been accused of subliminally showing or saying sexual things in their illustrations or in their scripts. Part of the castle drawing in the Littlest Mermaid is one example, of many. The conspiracy is that Disney is trying to take a lot of money from the parents, while showing and exposing their children to sexual content.
  4. The Illuminati - The Bavarian social club that disbanded in 1785, has taken a lot of blame for anything bad that has happened to people through the years. There seems to be a lot of information for such a secretive organization. It has been said that Lady Gaga is a tool of the Illuminati. When on stage, there are a lot of "all seeing eye" images, as well as the make-up around her eye. Other symbols can be seen on the stages of entertainers like, but not limited to: Brittany Spears, Beyonce and Katy Perry.
  5. Mass Media - It has been theorized that mass media controls our thoughts, behaviors and trends. Movies are known for conditioning a societies behavior and music is blamed for formulating morals and "values." T.V. received flak for influencing false realities in peoples lives and gives people unrealistic expectations of others.

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