In honor of this week's Star Wars Day celebration, here's a tribute to the self-proclaimed geeks who will be relying on the force to pass Professor Ryan Croft’s “Star Wars and Medieval Literature” class at the University of Wyoming.

In his English 4640 course, Cross encourages students to compare classic literature to the themes presented in Star Wars, including gender roles, religion and warfare.

Among the projects submitted last year was Brianna O’Shea’s essay “Orientalism and Ottoman Empire in Star Wars“, which analyzed the depiction of Jabba The Hutt and his palace in “Star Wars: Return of the Jedi”.

The Darker Side: Torture and Gender in Star Wars“, submitted by Leah Byrnes and Alex Rickert, compared the torture of Princess Leia to historic literary themes. Joshua D. Mann’s essay “The Clothing Makes the (Wo)Man” examined the ways that gender roles are represented in classic literature and Star Wars films.

In addition to offering a Star Wars course, the University of Wyoming also carries an official Star Wars Collection in the campus store. The collection features iconic Star Wars characters outfitted in brown and gold, including the Cowboys Storm Trooper Tee, the Darth Vader Wyoming Tee, the Millenium Falcon Wyoming Tee and the Yoda Wyoming Tee.


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