Camp Hope Offers Fun For Wyoming Children With Type 1 Diabetes
Every summer, children battling Type 1 Diabetes in Wyoming converge on Casper Mountain for a week of fun, recreation, games, friendship, and education.
Camp Hope offers an opportunity for children and teens 7-18 years-old to make life-long friendships with others who are fighting the chronic condition.
The Camp Hope houses kids in log cabins and offers one counselor for every four attendees. There's a medical team on site of physicians, nurses, and several Certified Diabetic Educators.
Activities throughout the week include swimming, hiking, field trips, competitive sports, bowling, mini golf, arts and crafts, and many other special events.
The cost of camp is $300 per attendee. If a family cannot afford to send their child, thanks to the tremendous staff and donors there is a policy in which the staff will work financially with the family, assuring everyone who wants to go an opportunity to.