Fridays In The Asher Ready To Rock Again
Launching into the second half of their 2018 season, Fridays in the Asher is back with R&B from Sur Ellz from Los Angeles, YaSi from Denver, and Dissorder Music representing Cheyenne, for one of their best shows yet.
For just $5, this 100-percent volunteer organized, not-for-profit music, performance, and art series will also feature Alpacaglobo Balloons performing amazing balloon twisting and balloon art that the whole family will enjoy.
Support and grow the local entertainment scene at 500 W 15th St. Cheyenne, Wyoming 82001. $5, all ages, doors at 7:00 p.m. Beer and malt beverages available for purchase for those 21+. more at Fridays in the Asher. Thanks, Dana Gage Photography.