Holiday Light Tour Sells Out
If you were looking to take a ride on a trolley around Cheyenne and look at some awesome Christmas Lights, well, you may have waited a little to long, as Visit Cheyenne announced yesterday in a Facebook post that they have sold out, but you can still book charter groups of 10 or fewer.
I had a feeling this would sell out quickly. Back in October, I almost missed out on getting to check out their Fright Seeing Tours, which are awesome. They do a really good job of giving a tour and making you feel like you're taking a step back in time. Unfortunately, I missed out on the Holiday tour this year, but, as for many things, there's always 2021 to try things, right?
We're really fortunate as a community to have cool services like these and they work really hard to make sure that we're all safe on the trolley and socially distanced.
If you're still interested in getting that charter tour, you can go for an hour for $130 or 90 mins for $185. You can find out more details here. If you're worried about the cold or snow, don't, you'll be on a trolley and they're warm. I promise they wont kick you out at any point to walk around and get sick. Masks will be required and they'll have your seats socially distanced.

How Wyoming Celebrated Christmas in the Late 1800s