How Much Would You Spend to Forget 2020’s Bad Memories?
A few thousand bucks should cover it, don't you think?
This past year was certainly a doozy. In fact, I would be willing to be that many of us would love to just forget most of it. It would be nice if we could just do a massive data dump or a completely wiping of our mental hard drive.
Erasing memories from your mind sounds like something out of a science fiction novel, doesn't it? Like in the movie Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. The story focused on a company that promised they could delete bad memories from your mind.
Given what we went through last year, that doesn't sound too shabby. I'm not sure what that process would look like, but I think there's another question begging to be asked. How much would you pay to do that?
A recent survey found that Americans, if they could, would pay up to $2,000 to wipe 2020 from their brains.
Perhaps this is where people would most like to see their stimulus check go. I, on the other hand, will keep the cash and instead focus on the good things to come out of 2020. This probably sounds nuts, but I believe there are good things to hold onto from last year if we're willing to dig for them.
Of the things we want to forget, the survey found that the pandemic was the biggest with 50 percent of respondents wishing to erase it. Truly I don't think any of us would have expected to experience a pandemic in our short time on this earth. Other things we wish to leave behind include the deaths of some of our favorite celebrities like Kobe Bryant and Chadwick Boseman, murder hornets, and the brushfires in Australia.