If You Didn’t Divorce In Wyoming This Week, You’re Probably Safe
Wyoming ranks fifth for the most divorces according to Metro. This year, Jan. 8 was the first Monday after the kids return to school. That’s one of the days that see the most divorce filings. Legal professionals have nicknamed January “Divorce Month.”
"The start of the first full working week after the holidays is the year's biggest divorce day.”
It’s cold outside and the time in the sack together over the holidays left you in debt. The top two factors for divorce are over money and bad sex.
"At 12.4 percent, Wyoming has the 14th highest divorce rate in the nation."
If you survived Monday, you’re probably ok, but just the same remember, Valentine’s day is coming up. As for his or her birthday, you’re on your own.
There was a reason you got married, focus on that and up your game in interpersonal relationships. Don’t take your partner and marriage for granted. What could be more important?
Still, after all of that, “Wyoming ranked third in the US in the percentage of married people.”
Good luck