LIFE HACK: Shaving Cream for Sunburns
It usually only takes one good fishing trip to get that "golden god" look. But, it can be difficult not to get that "red lobster" look if you are not careful.
Have you found yourself on the rare to medium-rare side of cooking so far this Spring? You tell yourself, "It's okay to go a little bit without sunscreen because I need to work on my base tan." I bet you are regretting that now. If you are suffering from a sunburn this season, try shaving cream. Yeah, shaving cream. It's not just for your 5 o'clock shadow anymore.
Doctors say it can help, because ingredients include coconut oil and water. Both help with moisturizing your skin and promote faster healing. That means less time sticking to your sheets at night, or peeling like a snake, and more time outside enjoying the sun.
Get the details from Inside Edition.