Lizzie Borden’s Ghost Stood Behind Me and I Lived to Tell This Tale
Many people know of Lizzie Borden, or at least "Lizzie Borden had an ax, she gave her mother 40 whacks, once she saw what she had done, she gave her father 41." Which, if you were wondering are not the correct numbers of whacks that each individual received.
Lizzie Borden lived in Fall River, Massachusetts with her father, stepmother, and housekeeper. The Borden house still stands today as a bed and breakfast that also offers daily tours and ghost hunts.
I have always been fascinated with the Borden case, and truly believe that Lizzie was not the wacker, but that's a whole other story. Of course, I had to go tour the notorious ax murder house. Well, little did I know that my experience would turn into something from a horror movie.
I spent the day touring the Borden House learning about the history and where the horrible events occurred.
Of course, some work has been done to the house but the owners try to keep the aesthetic as close to the original Borden house. The tour took me throughout the house, I was able to see the living room (where Mr. Andrew Borden passed), the kitchen, and upstairs (including the bedroom where Mrs. Borden was murdered).
Of course, I had to be the "strange" person in the tour group and lay down on the sofa (it's a new one) where Mr. Borden was "whacked," to recreate the scene for my own personal photo.
Unfortunately, I was unable to see the basement, since they save that for ghost hunts at night. Granted that was the only part of the house that I missed, the tour was still amazing.
I know, I said I saw Lizzie Borden's ghost, so where's that information. It's coming I promise.
After the tour, I decided that I wanted to see more and found out that the Bordens are buried not too far from the house. So, I went on another adventure.
Now if you don't know what Lizzie Borden looked like, all you need to know for this story is that she mostly wore a tight bun on her head.
I know that it is frowned upon to lay on someone's grave, however, I was young and like I admitted "strange," and I chose to take yet another picture laying on Lizzie Borden's grave. After getting up from the grave, my mother and I were standing with two other people that also chose to follow us from the tour to the cemetery, which makes for four of us standing there talking.
I remember looking down at the grass and I saw five shadows, now if my math is correct, that's one more than four. There was a shadow standing behind me, with their hair in a tight bun. Of course, I quickly turned around and no one was standing there, but the shadow remained.
Now I know I said that I don't believe that Lizzie was the one that murdered her parents, however, I was not sticking around after seeing that and I quickly went to the car.
All in all, the only thing that I can tell you is do not to disrupt or taunt anyone that has passed, especially if they were a suspect in a double homicide.
Will I be going back to the Borden House? The answer is yes, I would love to explore more, especially since I had this experience.
If you want to know more information about the Borden House and the tours that they offer, you can here.
Go Inside Fall River's Lizzie Borden Bed & Breakfast
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