Look! Cheyenne’s Downtown Depot Plaza Is Getting In The Christmas Spirit!
Whether you're the type that likes to wait until after Thanksgiving to get the Holiday decorations up or you already have them up since 12:01 am November 1st, Downtown Cheyenne has gone ahead and pulled the trigger on decorating the Downtown Depot Plaza. So far, it's looking pretty good. I would say they're doing their part to push us out of our collective grumpy moods into a more nostalgic feel.
Either way, they're already up, whether you want to see it or not. But, hey, even the post-Thanksgiving purist can appreciate the work they've done, especially after dark. The crew putting the decorations up clearly had to fight the 60 miles per hour winds yesterday and you can see a couple of Christmas tree casualties that they'll have to fix later. Poor guys.

But, despite the wind, things are starting to look a lot like Christmas downtown and I'm not mad about it. To be fair, I don't have a single decoration up in my own home yet, so I feel like I can be an inbetweener here on this situation. I didn't have to put the work in for this, the city did. And they are doing a great job.
We're only a couple of weeks from Downtown Cheyenne turning into our own Northwest Pole and winter wonderland with the Old West Holiday. These decorations are just a start!
Look! Cheyenne's Downtown Depot Plaza Is Getting In The Christmas Spirit!
See What Christmas Looked Like in 1970s Downtown Cheyenne
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