Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Cheyenne Walk [VIDEO]
2012 MSABC of Southern Wyoming; Date: Saturday, September 29, 2012 Downtown Depot Plaza
registration 10:00am. Walk starts at 11:00am and event is complete by 1:00pm
Your reason for walking in the American Cancer Society Making Strides walk is as unique and special as the story that motivates you. More than likely, you've been affected by breast cancer in some way, and the Making Strides walk empowers you to make a difference and fight back. This is your opportunity to honor breast cancer survivors, remember those we have lost to this disease, and raise funds and awareness to help end it forever.
Making Strides events are a celebration of survivorship - an occasion to express hope and our shared goal to end a disease that threatens the lives of so many people we love.
The journey to end breast cancer starts with a single step. Take that step at the American Cancer Society Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk. Just a few hours of your time will help bring a lifetime of change for people facing breast cancer and their families.
Every Making Strides event is a powerful and inspiring opportunity to unite as a community to honor breast cancer survivors, raise awareness about what we can do to stay well from breast cancer, and raise money to help the American Cancer Society fight the disease with breast cancer research, information and services, and access to mammograms for women who need them.
Since 1993, 8 million cancer charity walkers across the country have raised more than $460 million through Making Strides events to help fight breast cancer. Last year alone, dedicated supporters like you raised more than $60 million nationwide to help the American Cancer Society save lives and create a world with less breast cancer and more birthdays.