Money, Money Everywhere. Get yours!
A Canadian girl just bought her first lottery ticket celebrating her 18th birthday and won a thousand dollars a week for life.
That same thing could happen here in the USA at 8:38 tonight with Lucky For Life.
Last week, a Guy in Virginia who’d promised his Wife he'd stop buying lottery tickets bought one anyway and won $4 Million! Odds are slim but you can win!
Wyolotto says tomorrow night’s Mega Millions is worth over half a billion dollars. I could get my Camaro down off the blocks and finally get that canary yellow paint job done right.
Saturday Night’s Powerball is worth $50 Million.
Not to be outdone, KINGfm wants you to win money. Starting Monday, it’s the return of the variety vault to KINGfm, with your chance to win up to $5,000, three times every weekday, at 8, noon & 4. Your first chance to win happens Monday morning April 2nd at 8, with 1019KINGfm.