Next Time it Snows in Cheyenne, Let’s All Make ‘Snow Cream’
It's just like ice cream, but better.
God bless the Internet! You can find some really cool and creative things on the web. Surprisingly, this didn't come from TikTok. Instead it came from It's a recipe for snow cream.
Doesn't it sound magical?
Ok, it's basically ice cream, but instead of making it with ice, you scoop up a big handful of snow instead. Now doesn't that sound like a lot more fun. Plus, you can totally get the kids involved with this. I mean, most kids I know are shoveling snow into their mouths like it's their job in the in wintertime.
The recipe calls for a few ingredients that you most likely have on hand. Things like one cup of milk, one teaspoon of vanilla, a pinch of salt and one-third of a cup of sugar. Heck, you might even have some frozen snow in your freezer... or not. Side note: when I was a kid I would make tiny snow people and store them in the freezer so they wouldn't die melt later on. The other ingredients you may want to grab before the next snow are any kind of toppings that you want on your snow cream sundae.
All you have to do is whisk all of the ingredients except the snow. You'll want to chill this mixture before combining it with the snow. Then gently add in your snow until it reaches a creamy consistency. The recipe calls for eight cups of snow, so get the kids to find you some good, clean white stuff.
If using snow from outside worries you because of dirt and germs, you can also use shaved ice. Maybe you have a fancy snow cone maker on hand. A margarita machine will work just as well.